The blog’s been a little on the quiet side because I went south of the Alabama border to visit Jay Bell, my good friend from Bradenton-Fun-in-the-Sun-Baby-Florida. A great time was had by yours truly, and Jay didn’t seem to mind me much.
I’d love to tell you all about it, but that’s tricky. I have to edit out the things that aren’t fit for a family newspaper. It’s going to take me a few days to sanitize the story for a mass audience because, hey, Jay’s family reads these things. So does mine, for that matter.
I will tell you that folks in Southern Florida experienced a cold snap last week, where temperatures dropped below the freezing mark. But don’t worry about them because February highs were near 80 by the time I left. It was not horrible.
But now I’m back and anxious for Wednesday’s predicted slice of winter. I promise not to complain about the change in the weather unless my car gets stuck in a snowbank.
The post Fun-in-the-Sun Jay Bell appeared first on M. Scott Morris Mighty Daily Journal Blog.